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lu-ming.xyz 发布时间:2022-06-19 14:47:09 ,浏览量:0



        • 1. Which's setup timing check in right waveform?( )
        • 2. What's the main usage of Scan shift registers? ()
        • 3. Which stage of detecting a fault is at least cost to a company? ( )
        • 4. Which of the following expressions is true?
        • 5. Which of the followings is not allowed to be in an interface class?( )
        • 6. Which of the following arrays need new constructor in systemVerilog?
        • 7. Which one of the following items can't be considered to decrease the power of a design? ( )
        • 8. Which descriptions are correct for System-Verilog language?( )
        • 9. Memory BIST can test below elements in the design. ( )
        • 10. Select the items which could contribute to functional coverage? ( )
        • 11. Which are the main components of a testbench? ( )
        • 12. The time required for an input data to settle ________ the triggering edge of clock is known as “Setup Time”. ( )
        • 13. Which equation compute the local skew in below circuit? ( )
        • 14. Which of the following is having highest priority at final stage (post routed) of the design?
        • 15. Which of the following tools can be used for timing tape out sign-off? ( )
        • 16. We need to define clock specifications in SDC file, using commands like below:
        • 17. Which ways are efficient for cross talk fix?( )
        • 18. How to fix the EM problem on signal net?
        • 19. Which solutions can be used to reduce parasitic for critical net? ( )
        • 20.下列不属于嵌入式设计处理器本身带有的基本接口是( )
        • 21. 已知下左图中施密特触发器为右图中所示电路,电源电压是10V, R1=10KΩ,R2=20KΩ,该多谐振荡器中的电路参数VDD=10V,R=10kΩ,C=0.01uF,则该电路的振荡周期是( )
        • 22. In Linux system, which of following commands can be used to mount a U-disk to the system()
        • 23.请判断以下哪些电路是时序逻辑电路()
        • 24.如图所示,若驱动门A的输出电压高低电平的定义为VAOHmin=2.4V, VAOLmax=0.4V,那么它连接到的接收门B的输入电压需要定义的高低电平可能为:
        • 25. 为了避免50Hz电网电压的干扰进入放大器,应选用哪种滤波器?
        • 26. In amplification mode, which of the following is correct for this transistor?()
        • 27. The following figure shows the CMOS inverter circuit, which is composed of two enhanced MOSFET, one N-channel structure, the other is P-channel structure. Which of the following conditions is necessary to make the circuit function?()
        • 28. Which of the following descriptions is true of digital signals()
        • 29. The main performance indexes of computer network are? ( )

1. Which’s setup timing check in right waveform?( )


  • A. T1
  • B. T2
  • C. T3
  • D. T1+T2


2. What’s the main usage of Scan shift registers? ()
  • A. Provide Control & Observe capability
  • B. Provide Lock and un-lock statement
  • C. Provide Control & stability check
  • D. Provide clock observation

可测性设计学习笔记 4.2 扫描测试原理?



3. Which stage of detecting a fault is at least cost to a company? ( )
  • A. Wafer
  • B. Packaged chip
  • C. Board
  • D. System

检测故障的哪个阶段对公司来说成本最低? A 晶圆 B 封装的集成电路 C 板级 D 系统级

不会做。 个人感觉就检测错误这个工作来说,层次越高成本越低。但如果检测出错误了,层次越高需要解决错误的成本越高。

4. Which of the following expressions is true?
  • A. a = 4’df
  • B. C = 3’d8
  • C. B = 5’h1
  • D. d = 3’b2

5. Which of the followings is not allowed to be in an interface class?( )
  • A. Pure virtual methods
  • B. Type declarations
  • C. Cover groups
  • D. Parameter declarations


不会被实例化的基类可以通过指定虚(virtual)类使其抽象,抽象类也可以有虚方法(virtual method)。






6. Which of the following arrays need new constructor in systemVerilog?
  • A. Multidimensional arrays
  • B. Dynamic arrays
  • C. Associative arrays
  • D. Queues.


哪个数组需要新的构造函数? A: 多维数组 bit [3:0] [7:0] joe [1:10]; B: 动态数组 data_type array_name []; 需要使用内建函数new分配存储空间进行初始化。 C: 关联数组 动态数组对于处理数量动态变化的连续变量集合非常有用。当集合的大小未知或数据空间很稀疏时,关联数组是更好的选择。关联数组在使用之前不会分配任何存储空间,而且索引表达式不局限于整型表达式,可以是任何类型。 data_type array_id [ index_type ]; 关联数组初始化也是直接赋值就行 int imem[*]; imem[ 2’b3 ] = 1; imem[ 16’hffff ] = 2; imem[ 4b’1000 ] = 3; D: 队列 队列是同构元素的可变大小的有序集合。队列可以直接初始化integer Q[$] = { 3, 2, 7 }; //一个初始化的整数队列

7. Which one of the following items can’t be considered to decrease the power of a design? ( )
  • A. use high Vt cells
  • B. increase clock frequency.
  • C. add clock gating
  • D. decrease voltage supply.

CMOS 电路功耗类型:

  • 动态功耗:负载电容充放电引起的功耗。
  • 静态功耗:漏电流引起的功耗。

P = 1 2 ⋅ C ⋅ V D D 2 ⋅ f ⋅ N S W ⏟ 翻 转 功 耗 + Q S C ⋅ V D D ⋅ f ⋅ N S W ⏟ 短 路 功 耗 ⏞ 动 态 功 耗 + I l e a k ⋅ V D D ⏟ 漏 电 流 功 耗 ⏞ 静 态 功 耗 P=\overbrace{\underbrace{ \frac{1}{2}·C·V^2_{DD}·f·N_{SW}}_{翻转功耗} + \underbrace{Q_{SC}·V_{DD}·f·N_{SW}}_{短路功耗}}^{动态功耗} + \overbrace{\underbrace{I_{leak}·V_{DD}}_{漏电流功耗}}^{静态功耗} P=翻转功耗 21​⋅C⋅VDD2​⋅f⋅NSW​​​+短路功耗 QSC​⋅VDD​⋅f⋅NSW​​​ ​动态功耗​+漏电流功耗 Ileak​⋅VDD​​​ ​静态功耗​

  • C C C:结电容。
  • N S W N_{SW} NSW​:单周期内翻转晶体管数目。
  • f f f:系统工作时钟频率。
  • V D D V_{DD} VDD​:供电电压。
  • Q S C Q_{SC} QSC​:翻转过程中的短路电量。
  • I l e a k I_{leak} Ileak​:漏电流。

A: 使用高阈值电压单元,漏电流减小,静态功耗减小。 B: 增大 f f f,增加动态功耗 C: 降低 N S W N_{SW} NSW​ ,减小动态功耗 D: 降低 V D D V_{DD} VDD​,减小动态功耗


8. Which descriptions are correct for System-Verilog language?( )
  • A. Inheritance
  • B. Classed based OOP
  • C. Prototype-based OOP
  • D. Polymorphism
  • D. Encapsulation



  • 封装 Encapsulation
  • 继承 Inheritance
  • 多态 Polymorphism
9. Memory BIST can test below elements in the design. ( )
  • A. Address decoder
  • B. Memory Array
  • C. ECC(Error Check & Correct) logic
  • D. Memory access control logic


可测性设计学习笔记 2.3 常见的故障模型有哪些? 2. 存储器的故障类型

A: 地址译码故障(Address Decode Fault,ADF)肯定需要对地址译码单元进行测试。 B:检测 单元固定故障、数据保留故障等需要对存储单元进行测试。 C: 没有找到具体资料,个人理解ECC作为检错模块应该是与BIST层级是并列的。 D:存储器访问控制逻辑肯定也是要测试的。

10. Select the items which could contribute to functional coverage? ( )
  • A. SV Cover groups
  • B. SV Assert Property
  • C. PSL
  • D. SV Cover Property


PSL ( Property Specification Language),是从IBM开发的Sugar这门属性语言演化而来。 PSL主要是用来定义硬件设计中需要检查的时序属性,规定严格而且有很多形式语法。

11. Which are the main components of a testbench? ( )
  • A. Monitor
  • B. Checker
  • C. Scoreboard
  • D. Reference model
  • E. FIFO




  • driver:模拟DUT的真实使用情况,给DUT施加各种激励,包括正常异常激励,不同模式激励。
  • scoreboard:也被称为 checker 。根据DUT的输出判断DUT行为是否与预期符合。
  • monitor:收集DUT的输出并将它们传递给scoreboard。
  • reference model:给出预期的结果。
12. The time required for an input data to settle ________ the triggering edge of clock is known as “Setup Time”. ( )
  • A. Before
  • B. During
  • C. After
  • D. All of the above


13. Which equation compute the local skew in below circuit? ( )


  • A. Path1-Path2
  • B. Path3-Path2
  • C. Path3-Path1
  • D. Path4-Path2


时钟偏斜 = 目标寄存器时钟到达时间-源寄存器时钟到达时间

14. Which of the following is having highest priority at final stage (post routed) of the design?
  • A. Setup violation
  • B. Hold violation
  • C. Skew
  • D. None



15. Which of the following tools can be used for timing tape out sign-off? ( )
  • A. Modelsim
  • B. PrimeTime
  • C. Redhawk
  • D. Design compiler

Modelsim:Mentor公司的RTL仿真工具。 PrimeTime: PrimeTime(PT)是Synopsys的sign-off quality的静态时序分析工具。 Redhawk: Synopsys 集成RedHawk分析融合技术的 IC Compiler II 在设计者的流程中引入了电源完整性分析和修复功能,提供了在物理设计步骤中的签核精度结果。 Design compiler: Synopsys 逻辑综合工具。

16. We need to define clock specifications in SDC file, using commands like below:

Create_clock -name GFXCLK -period 600 -waveform {0 300}

what can we know from this command? ( )

  • A. Clock frequency
  • B. Clock duty cycle
  • C. Clock source latency
  • D. Clock name

-name:指定一个字符串作为时钟名字。 -period:定义时钟周期。 -waveform:时钟信号的占空比。{上升沿时间, 下降沿时间}

17. Which ways are efficient for cross talk fix?( )
  • A. Use wide net
  • B. upsize driving cell
  • C. add keep out margin
  • D. downsize driving cell


串扰修复(cross talk):

  • 耦合长度对串扰的影响 对于远端串扰峰值与耦合长度成正比,耦合长度越长,串扰越大;而对于近端串扰,当耦合长度小于饱和长度时,串扰将随着耦合长度的增加而增加,但是当耦合长度大于饱和长度时,近端串扰值将为一个稳定值。
  • 线间距对串扰的影响 随着线间距的增大,无论是近端还是远端串扰都将减小,当线间距大于等于线宽的3倍时,串扰已经很小。
  • 上升时间对串扰的影响 当上升沿时间缩短时,远端串扰噪声越来越大。
  • 介质层厚度对串扰的影响 随着介质层厚度的减小,串扰也将变小。
18. How to fix the EM problem on signal net?
  • A. set non default rule for violation signal net, increase wire width
  • B. set non default rule for violation signal net, decrease wire width
  • C. decrease the signal net fanout
  • D. increase the signal net output load


EM problem:电磁问题。


19. Which solutions can be used to reduce parasitic for critical net? ( )
  • A. Reducing Interconnect Resistance
  • B. Increasing Wire Spacing
  • C. Reducing parasitic for Correlated Nets
  • D. Routing in lower (thinner) metals


20.下列不属于嵌入式设计处理器本身带有的基本接口是( )
  • A. 串口
  • B. PCIE
  • C. 并口
  • D. AD/DA

串口(如UART)并口(如SDIO)都比较常见,AD/DA 则用于一些系统状态检测等,有些也会又低性能的AD/DA外设(比如 ESP32)。


21. 已知下左图中施密特触发器为右图中所示电路,电源电压是10V, R1=10KΩ,R2=20KΩ,该多谐振荡器中的电路参数VDD=10V,R=10kΩ,C=0.01uF,则该电路的振荡周期是( )


  • A. 0.2197ms
  • B. 0.4297ms
  • C. 0.1099ms
  • D. 0.3296ms

电源电压是10V,反相器门限电压 V T H V_{TH} VTH​=5V 当 G 1 G_1 G1​由0翻转为1,正向阈值电压 V T + V_{T+} VT+​: R 1 + R 2 R 2 = V T + V T H \frac{R_1+R_2}{R_2}=\frac{V_{T+}}{V_{TH}} R2​R1​+R2​​=VTH​VT+​​ 得到正向阈值电压 V T + V_{T+} VT+​=7.5V。 同理,当 G 1 G_1 G1​由1翻转为0,反向阈值电压 V T − V_{T-} VT−​: R 2 R 1 = V D D − V T H V T H − V T − \frac{R_2}{R_1}=\frac{V_{DD}-V_{TH}}{V_{TH}-V_{T-}} R1​R2​​=VTH​−VT−​VDD​−VTH​​ 得到反向阈值电压 V T − V_{T-} VT−​=2.5V。

回差电压: Δ V T = V T + − V T 1 = 5 V \Delta V_T = V_{T+} - V_{T1} = 5V ΔVT​=VT+​−VT1​=5V

施密特触发电路构成的多谐振荡器振荡周期估算公式: T = t w 1 + t w 2 = R C l n ( V D D − V T − V D D − V T + ) + R C l n ( 0 − V T + 0 − V T − ) = R C l n ( V D D − V T − V D D − V T + ⋅ V T + V T − ) T=t_{w1}+t_{w2}=RCln(\frac{V_{DD}-V_{T-}}{V_{DD}-V_{T+}}) + RCln(\frac{0-V_{T+}}{0-V_{T-}})=RCln(\frac{V_{DD}-V_{T-}}{V_{DD}-V_{T+}}·\frac{V_{T+}}{V_{T-}}) T=tw1​+tw2​=RCln(VDD​−VT+​VDD​−VT−​​)+RCln(0−VT−​0−VT+​​)=RCln(VDD​−VT+​VDD​−VT−​​⋅VT−​VT+​​)

其中 t w 1 t_{w1} tw1​为高电平持续时间, t w 2 t_{w2} tw2​为低电平持续时间。


22. In Linux system, which of following commands can be used to mount a U-disk to the system()
  • A. mount /dev/hda /mnt/udisk
  • B. mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/udisk
  • C. mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/udisk
  • D. umount -n /mnt/udisk

mount命令用于挂载Linux系统外的文件。 hda一般是指IDE接口的硬盘。 第一个硬盘名为/dev/sda,第二块硬盘命名为/dev/sdb,以此类推。sdb1则表示这块硬盘的分区1。 fd表示软盘驱动器。 umount可卸除目前挂在Linux目录中的文件系统。

  • A. 计数器
  • B. 寄存器
  • C. 译码器
  • D. 触发器


24.如图所示,若驱动门A的输出电压高低电平的定义为VAOHmin=2.4V, VAOLmax=0.4V,那么它连接到的接收门B的输入电压需要定义的高低电平可能为:
  • A. VBIHmin=2.8V
  • B. VBIHmin=2.0V
  • C. VBILmax=0.8V
  • D. VBILmax=0.2V


25. 为了避免50Hz电网电压的干扰进入放大器,应选用哪种滤波器?
  • A. 带通
  • B. 带阻
  • C. 低通
  • D. 高通


26. In amplification mode, which of the following is correct for this transistor?()


  • A. VC>VB>VE
  • B. VCVC。下面复习一下晶体管放大原理。

    1. 发射极电流 I e I_e Ie​ 发射结正向偏置,空穴从发射区扩散到基区,电子也从基区扩散到发射区,但由于掺杂浓度低近似分析可忽略。 形成发射极电流 I e I_e Ie​
    2. 基极电流 I b I_b Ib​ 集电结反向偏置,极少扩散。 V B B V_{BB} VBB​ 作用下,扩散到基区的空穴与自由电子复合运动形成基极电流 I b I_b Ib​
    3. 集电极电流 I c I_c Ic​ 由于集电结反向偏置,且结面积较大,基区的非平衡少子在外电场作用下越过集电结到达集电区,形成漂移电流。 同时集电区与基区的平衡少子也参与漂移运动,但数量小近似分析可忽略。 在集电极电源VCC的作用下,漂移运动形成集电极电流 I c I_c Ic​

    电流分配关系: I e = I c + I b I_e = I_c + I_b Ie​=Ic​+Ib​ I c ≈ β I b I_c \approx \beta I_b Ic​≈βIb​ I e ≈ ( 1 + β ) I b I_e \approx (1+ \beta) I_b Ie​≈(1+β)Ib​

    27. The following figure shows the CMOS inverter circuit, which is composed of two enhanced MOSFET, one N-channel structure, the other is P-channel structure. Which of the following conditions is necessary to make the circuit function?()


    • A. VDD = (VTN - |VTP|)
    • B. VDD > (VTN + |VTP|)
    • C. VDD < (VTN + |VTP|)
    • D. VDD = (VTN + |VTP|)

    电源电压 VDD 大于两个管的开启电压的绝对值之和。

    28. Which of the following descriptions is true of digital signals()
    • A. It is a discrete signal in time, but it cannot be a discrete signal numerically
    • B. The signal is discontinuous in time and always occurs in a sequence of discrete moments
    • C. Numerically quantized, can only be evaluated by a finite number of increments or steps
    • D. It is a continuous signal in time, and it must be a discrete signal numerically

    数字信号: A: 它在时间上是离散信号,但在数值上不是离散信号 B: 信号在时间上是不连续的,并且总是发生在一系列离散的时刻中 C:数值量化,只能通过有限的增量或步距来计算 D: 它在时间上是连续信号,在数值上必须是离散信号。错了。

    29. The main performance indexes of computer network are? ( )
    • A. rate
    • B. bandwidth
    • C. handling capacity
    • D. delay
    • E. use ratio
    • F. packet loss probability

    参考:《计算机网络(第7版)》 1.6.1 计算机网络的性能指标

    1. 速率rate
    2. 带宽bandwidth
    3. 吞吐量throughput
    4. 时延delay/latency
    5. 时延带宽积
    6. 往返时间Round-Trip Time,RTT
    7. 利用率

