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参数 是为此类型选择的对应的planner插件账号。 [待校准@2730]
描述请求的目标姿态和路径末端之间的公差 (米)。 [待校准@2732]
.downsample_costmap [待校准@3189]
描述是否向下采样costmap到另一个分辨率进行搜索。 [待校准@3190]
.downsampling_factor [待校准@3191]
描述乘数因子向下采样成本图 (例如,如果5厘米成本图在2 downsample_factor
,10厘米输出)。 [待校准@3192]
描述是否允许在未知空间中遍历/搜索。 [待校准@3193]
.max_iterations [待校准@3194]
描述未能限制计算时间之前的最大搜索迭代次数,由-1禁用。 [待校准@3196]
.max_on_approach_iterations [待校准@3197]
描述搜索后的最大迭代次数在 tolerance
内,如果未找到确切路径,则返回具有最佳启发式的近似路径。 [待校准@3199]
.max_planning_time [待校准@3200]
描述最大计划时间 (秒)。 [待校准@3201]
.motion_model_for_search [待校准@3202]
描述要搜索的运动模型枚举string。2D默认为 “MOORE” 。2D的选项是MOORE和VON_NEUMANN。 [待校准@3204]
.cost_travel_multiplier [待校准@3205]
描述成本乘数应用于搜索以避开高成本区域。大型r值将更精确地放置在过道的中心 (如果存在非 FREE 成本潜力场),但计算时间稍长。为了优化速度,值1.0是合理的。合理的权衡值是2.0。0.0的有效值禁用了远离障碍的转向,就像一个天真的二进制搜索A*乙。 [待校准@3206]
.use_final_approach_orientation [待校准@2737]
描述如果为true,则由planner产生的路径的最后姿态将其方向设置为进近方向,即连接路径最后两点的向量的方向 [待校准@2738]
参数 .平滑器.最大 _ 迭代 [待校准@3207]
描述平滑器必须平滑路径的最大迭代次数,以绑定潜在计算。 [待校准@3208]
描述适用于平滑数据点的平滑器重量 [待校准@3210]
描述适用于保留原始数据信息的平滑器的重量 [待校准@3212]
参数 。平滑。公差 [待校准@3213]
描述终止平滑会话的参数公差更改量 [待校准@3215]
planner_plugins: ["GridBased"]
use_sim_time: True
plugin: "nav2_smac_planner/SmacPlanner2D"
tolerance: 0.125 # tolerance for planning if unable to reach exact pose, in meters
downsample_costmap: false # whether or not to downsample the map
downsampling_factor: 1 # multiplier for the resolution of the costmap layer (e.g. 2 on a 5cm costmap would be 10cm)
allow_unknown: true # allow traveling in unknown space
max_iterations: 1000000 # maximum total iterations to search for before failing (in case unreachable), set to -1 to disable
max_on_approach_iterations: 1000 # maximum number of iterations to attempt to reach goal once in tolerance
max_planning_time: 2.0 # max time in s for planner to plan, smooth
motion_model_for_search: "MOORE" # 2D Moore, Von Neumann
cost_travel_multiplier: 2.0 # Cost multiplier to apply to search to steer away from high cost areas. Larger values will place in the center of aisles more exactly (if non-`FREE` cost potential field exists) but take slightly longer to compute. To optimize for speed, a value of 1.0 is reasonable. A reasonable tradeoff value is 2.0. A value of 0.0 effective disables steering away from obstacles and acts like a naive binary search A*.
use_final_approach_orientation: false # Whether to set the final path pose at the goal's orientation to the requested orientation (false) or in line with the approach angle so the robot doesn't rotate to heading (true)
max_iterations: 1000
w_smooth: 0.3
w_data: 0.2
tolerance: 1e-10
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