We'd like to ensure that this program is stil the right fit for your organization. To request membership renewal, you'll need to provide additiona details. We'll review and let you know if your organization is eligible for renewal or if the Apple Developer Program better serves your needs.
今年的续费页面与往常不同,点击"Provide Details"按钮进入审查的页面,需要填写一些信息供苹果审查。
第二页 App Development & DistributionTell us about an app you’ve developed or distributed through the program that’s been used for at least 6 months. Describe the app’s purpose and functionality, and how frequently it’s used. Include the bundle identifier.
答:We have an app (bundle id: xxx) used internally in our company, which mainly allows our operators to configure, preview, publish, and manage operational recommendations on the iPhone. But our operators do not use this app very frequently.
Who are your app’s users?
一定要选“Employees within your organization”
Describe in detail how you distribute your apps to users.
答:We distribute via QR code to the internal users when there is a new build.
第三页 Code Sharing and SecurityDo you re-sign compiled apps from other developers to use within your organization?
Do you act as an app development contractor for other organizations?
What mechanisms have you put in place to ensure your apps can only be installed by your employees and permitted users?
答:Our company employees can only download and install our application through the company's intranet. In addition, employees need to provide the account number and password provided by the administrator when downloading the app.
Who has access to the sign in credentials of the Account Holder and Enterprise App Distribution Certificates?
答:Account holders and authorized developers
How do you monitor and control access to your Enterprise App Distribution Certificates?
答:Enable two-factor authentication, administrator hold, generate P12 to developers
第四页 App TestingDo you use program resources to test apps before publishing them on the App Store?
在将应用发布到App Store之前,你是否使用程序资源对其进行测试?
Please explain.
选No , 没有填写解释(没有使用资源程序测试,只供内部员工使用,不对外开放)
Which of the following uses of the program are necessary for your organization?
选择“Immediate distribution”