- 控制构造函数:私有化构造函数保证无法随意创建对象
- 统一创建对象:在类中提供对象的构建方法并提供公有方法返回创建的实例(一般为静态函数)
public class Singleton { // use private key word to avoid being used directly private Singleton() {} private static Singleton instance = new Singleton(); // use public method to get singleton instance public static Singleton getInstance(){ return instance; } }
package com.liumiao; import java.time.LocalDateTime; public class Singleton { // use private key word to avoid being used directly private Singleton() { System.out.printf("%s: Single instance creating begins... \n" ,LocalDateTime.now()); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.printf("%s: Single instance creating ends... \n" ,LocalDateTime.now()); } private static Singleton instance = new Singleton(); // use public method to get singleton instance public static Singleton getInstance(){ System.out.println("get Singleton instance: " + LocalDateTime.now()); System.out.println(instance.hashCode()); return instance; } }
package com.liumiao; public class TestSingleton extends Thread { public void run() { Singleton.getInstance(); } public static void main( String[] args ) { TestSingleton thread1 = new TestSingleton (); TestSingleton thread2 = new TestSingleton (); thread1.start(); thread2.start(); } }
2020-06-26T05:37:58.555119: Single instance creating begins... 2020-06-26T05:37:59.583467: Single instance creating ends... get Singleton instance: 2020-06-26T05:37:59.583739 140350290 get Singleton instance: 2020-06-26T05:37:59.583756 140350290实现方式2
package com.liumiao; import java.time.LocalDateTime; public class Singleton { // use private key word to avoid being used directly private Singleton() { System.out.printf("%s: Single instance creating begins... \n" ,LocalDateTime.now()); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.printf("%s: Single instance creating ends... \n" ,LocalDateTime.now()); } private static Singleton instance = null; // use public method to get singleton instance public static Singleton getInstance(){ System.out.println("get Singleton instance: " + LocalDateTime.now()); if (null == instance) { instance = new Singleton(); } System.out.println(instance.hashCode()); return instance; } }
get Singleton instance: 2020-06-26T05:39:00.137037 get Singleton instance: 2020-06-26T05:39:00.137051 2020-06-26T05:39:00.137567: Single instance creating begins... 2020-06-26T05:39:00.137614: Single instance creating begins... 2020-06-26T05:39:01.162630: Single instance creating ends... 140350290 2020-06-26T05:39:01.162630: Single instance creating ends... 1253458049
实现方式3这里简单地使用synchronized来稍作修改, 代码如下
package com.liumiao; import java.time.LocalDateTime; public class Singleton { // use private key word to avoid being used directly private Singleton() { System.out.printf("%s: Single instance creating begins... \n" ,LocalDateTime.now()); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.printf("%s: Single instance creating ends... \n" ,LocalDateTime.now()); } private static Singleton instance = null; // use public method to get singleton instance public static synchronized Singleton getInstance(){ System.out.println("get Singleton instance: " + LocalDateTime.now()); if (null == instance) { instance = new Singleton(); } System.out.println(instance.hashCode()); return instance; } }
get Singleton instance: 2020-06-26T05:42:13.732276 2020-06-26T05:42:13.732766: Single instance creating begins... 2020-06-26T05:42:14.758235: Single instance creating ends... 346203776 get Singleton instance: 2020-06-26T05:42:14.758679 346203776
其他设计模式- https://liumiaocn.blog.csdn.net/article/details/106954154