- set
- 头文件和命名空间
- 常用的成员函数
- 代码使用示例
- 示例执行结果
- 总结
头文件和命名空间#include using namespace std;
常用的成员函数 函数名 用途 功能说明 size() 查询遍历 获取元素个数 begin() 查询遍历 获取指向第一个元素的迭代器(正序) end() 查询遍历 获取末尾的迭代器(正序) rbegin() 查询遍历 获取指向第一个元素的迭代器(逆序) rend() 查询遍历 获取末尾的迭代器(逆序) empty() 查询遍历 确认map是否为空 find(x) 查询遍历 查找x,返回相应的迭代器的位置 insert(x) 插入 插入数据x erase(x) 删除 删除指定元素x clear() 删除 删除所有元素 代码使用示例#include#includeusing namespace std; int check_after_insert(string str,multisets) { if (s.find(str) != s.end()) { cout << "Insert Success. " << endl; return 1; } else { cout << "Insert Failed." << endl; return 0; } } int main() { multisets; cout << "Size of map s : " << s.size() << endl; s.insert("LiuMiao"); check_after_insert("LiuMiao",s); s.insert("LiuMiaoCN"); check_after_insert("LiuMiaoCN",s); s.insert("Michael"); check_after_insert("Michael",s); s.insert("LiuMiaoCN"); check_after_insert("LiuMiaoCN",s); cout << "Size of set s : " << s.size() << endl; multiset::iterator it = s.begin(); cout << "begin(): [" << *it << "]" << endl; it = s.end(); //cout << "begin(): [" << *it << "]" << endl; it--; cout << "begin(): [" << *it << "]" << endl; for (it=s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) cout << "[ " << *it << "]" << endl; multiset::reverse_iterator rit; for (rit=s.rbegin(); rit != s.rend(); rit++) cout << "[ " << *rit << "]" << endl; it = s.find("LiuMiao"); if (it != s.end()) { cout << "Founded: " << "[ " << *it << "]" << endl; } else { cout << "LiuMiao: Not Founded. " << endl; } it = s.find("LiuMiao"); s.erase(it); for (rit=s.rbegin(); rit != s.rend(); rit++) cout << "[ " << *rit << "]" << endl; it = s.find("LiuMiao"); if (it != s.end()) { cout << "Founded: " << "[ " << *it << "]" << endl; } else { cout << "LiuMiao: Not Founded. " << endl; } }示例执行结果
Size of map s : 0 Insert Success. Insert Success. Insert Success. Insert Success. Size of set s : 4 begin(): [LiuMiao] begin(): [Michael] [ LiuMiao] [ LiuMiaoCN] [ LiuMiaoCN] [ Michael] [ Michael] [ LiuMiaoCN] [ LiuMiaoCN] [ LiuMiao] Founded: [ LiuMiao] [ Michael] [ LiuMiaoCN] [ LiuMiaoCN] LiuMiao: Not Founded.总结