软件版本 vivado
:2020.1 Quartus
一、在vivado中实现1.算法流程: 1)、将3×3的窗口和Gx、Gy分别相乘,Gx、Gy均已知 2)、将相乘得到的2个结果各自平方 3)、将平方得到的2个数相加 4)、将相加的结果放入求根的IP核猴子那个开根号 5)、开完根号后和阈值比较,大于阈值的部分置1
Gx:x方向的边缘 Gy:y方向的边缘 Pixel
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ] [ P11 P12 P13 ]
[ -2 0 +2 ] [ 0 0 0 ] [ P21 P22 P23 ]
[ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ] [ P31 P32 P33 ]
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// 1.算法流程:
// 1)、将3×3的窗口和Gx、Gy分别相乘,Gx、Gy均已知
// 2)、将相乘得到的2个结果各自平方
// 3)、将平方得到的2个数相加
// 4)、将相加的结果放入求根的IP核猴子那个开根号
// 5)、开完根号后和阈值比较,大于阈值的部分置1
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module Sobel_Edge_Detector
//global clock
input clk, //cmos video pixel clock
input rst_n, //global reset
//Image data prepred to be processd
input per_frame_vsync, //Prepared Image data vsync valid signal
input per_frame_href, //Prepared Image data href vaild signal
input per_frame_clken, //Prepared Image data output/capture enable clock
input [7:0] per_img_Y, //Prepared Image brightness input
//Image data has been processd
output post_frame_vsync, //Processed Image data vsync valid signal
output post_frame_href, //Processed Image data href vaild signal
output post_frame_clken, //Processed Image data output/capture enable clock
output post_img_Bit, //Processed Image Bit flag outout(1: Value, 0:inValid)
//user interface
input [7:0] Sobel_Threshold //Sobel Threshold for image edge detect
//Generate 8Bit 3X3 Matrix for Video Image Processor.
//Image data has been processd
wire matrix_frame_vsync; //Prepared Image data vsync valid signal
wire matrix_frame_href; //Prepared Image data href vaild signal
wire matrix_frame_clken; //Prepared Image data output/capture enable clock
wire [7:0] matrix_p11, matrix_p12, matrix_p13; //3X3 Matrix output
wire [7:0] matrix_p21, matrix_p22, matrix_p23;
wire [7:0] matrix_p31, matrix_p32, matrix_p33;
Shift_RAM_3X3 Shift_RAM_3X3_inst
//global clock
.clk (clk), //cmos video pixel clock
.rst_n (rst_n), //global reset
.per_frame_vsync (per_frame_vsync), //Prepared Image data vsync valid signal
.per_frame_href (per_frame_href), //Prepared Image data href vaild signal
.per_frame_clken (per_frame_clken), //Prepared Image data output/capture enable clock
.per_img_Y (per_img_Y), //Prepared Image brightness input
//Image data has been processd
.matrix_frame_vsync (matrix_frame_vsync), //Prepared Image data vsync valid signal
.matrix_frame_href (matrix_frame_href), //Prepared Image data href vaild signal
.matrix_frame_clken (matrix_frame_clken), //Prepared Image data output/capture enable clock
.matrix_p11(matrix_p11), .matrix_p12(matrix_p12), .matrix_p13(matrix_p13), //3X3 Matrix output
.matrix_p21(matrix_p21), .matrix_p22(matrix_p22), .matrix_p23(matrix_p23),
.matrix_p31(matrix_p31), .matrix_p32(matrix_p32), .matrix_p33(matrix_p33)
//Sobel Parameter
// Gx:x方向的边缘 Gy:y方向的边缘 Pixel
// [ -1 0 +1 ] [ +1 +2 +1 ] [ P11 P12 P13 ]
// [ -2 0 +2 ] [ 0 0 0 ] [ P21 P22 P23 ]
// [ -1 0 +1 ] [ -1 -2 -1 ] [ P31 P32 P33 ]
// localparam P11 = 8'd15, P12 = 8'd94, P13 = 8'd136;
// localparam P21 = 8'd31, P22 = 8'd127, P23 = 8'd231;
// localparam P31 = 8'd44, P32 = 8'd181, P33 = 8'd249;
//Caculate horizontal Grade with |abs|
//Step 1-2
reg [9:0] Gx_temp1; //postive result
reg [9:0] Gx_temp2; //negetive result
reg [9:0] Gx_data; //Horizontal grade data
always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin
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