questionSo I had some shared_mutex and done this:
boost::upgrade_lock lock(f->mutex); boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock uniqueLock(lock);
now I want to "unlock it" or at least downgrade it to something like:
boost::shared_lock lock_r(f->mutex);
How to do such thing? Is it possible?
solutionIf you let the upgrade_to_unique_lock go out of scope, it will automatically downgrade back to upgrade ownership.
For example
void foo() { boost::upgrade_lock lock(f->mutex); // Do shared operations, as mutex is held upgradeable // ... if(need_to_get_unique) { boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock uniqueLock(lock); // Do exclusive operations, as mutex is held uniquely // ... // At end of scope unique is released back to upgradeable } // Only shared operations here, as it's only held upgradeable // ... // At end of scope mutex is completely released }
Edit: One other thing. If a given function only requires exclusive locks, you can use boost::unique_lock and lock uniquely, without going through both the upgrade and upgrade_to_unique locks.
如何解锁boost :: upgrade_to_unique_lock(由boost :: shared_mutex制成)? - IT屋-程序员软件开发技术分享社区