[cpp] view plain copy
- AVFifoBuffer * m_fifo = NULL;
- SwrContext * init_pcm_resample(AVFrame *in_frame, AVFrame *out_frame)
- {
- SwrContext * swr_ctx = NULL;
- swr_ctx = swr_alloc();
- if (!swr_ctx)
- {
- printf("swr_alloc error \n");
- return NULL;
- }
- AVCodecContext * audio_dec_ctx = icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->codec;
- AVSampleFormat sample_fmt;
- sample_fmt = (AVSampleFormat)m_dwBitsPerSample; //样本
- if (audio_dec_ctx->channel_layout == 0)
- {
- audio_dec_ctx->channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->codec->channels);
- }
- /* set options */
- av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_channel_layout", audio_dec_ctx->channel_layout, 0);
- av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_sample_rate", audio_dec_ctx->sample_rate, 0);
- av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr_ctx, "in_sample_fmt", audio_dec_ctx->sample_fmt, 0);
- av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "out_channel_layout", audio_dec_ctx->channel_layout, 0);
- av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "out_sample_rate", audio_dec_ctx->sample_rate, 0);
- av_opt_set_sample_fmt(swr_ctx, "out_sample_fmt", sample_fmt, 0);
- swr_init(swr_ctx);
- int64_t src_nb_samples = in_frame->nb_samples;
- out_frame->nb_samples = av_rescale_rnd(swr_get_delay(swr_ctx,oaudio_st->codec->sample_rate) + src_nb_samples,
- oaudio_st->codec->sample_rate, oaudio_st->codec->sample_rate, AV_ROUND_UP);
- int ret = av_samples_alloc(out_frame->data, &out_frame->linesize[0],
- icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->codec->channels, out_frame->nb_samples,oaudio_st->codec->sample_fmt,1);
- if (ret codec->channels,
- 2048, oaudio_st->codec->sample_fmt, 1);
- m_fifo = av_fifo_alloc(buffersize);
- return swr_ctx;
- }
- int preform_pcm_resample(SwrContext * pSwrCtx,AVFrame *in_frame, AVFrame *out_frame)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if (pSwrCtx != NULL)
- {
- ret = swr_convert(pSwrCtx, out_frame->data, out_frame->nb_samples,
- (const uint8_t**)in_frame->data, in_frame->nb_samples);
- if (ret linesize[0], oaudio_st->codec->channels,
- ret, oaudio_st->codec->sample_fmt, 1);
- int sss = av_fifo_size(m_fifo);
- sss = av_fifo_realloc2(m_fifo, av_fifo_size(m_fifo) + out_frame->linesize[0]);
- sss = av_fifo_size(m_fifo);
- av_fifo_generic_write(m_fifo, out_frame->data[0], out_frame->linesize[0], NULL);
- out_frame->pkt_pts = in_frame->pkt_pts;
- out_frame->pkt_dts = in_frame->pkt_dts;
- //有时pkt_pts和pkt_dts不同,并且pkt_pts是编码前的dts,这里要给avframe传入pkt_dts而不能用pkt_pts
- //out_frame->pts = out_frame->pkt_pts;
- out_frame->pts = in_frame->pkt_dts;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void uinit_pcm_resample(AVFrame * poutframe,SwrContext * swr_ctx)
- {
- if (poutframe)
- {
- avcodec_free_frame(&poutframe);
- poutframe = NULL;
- }
- if (swr_ctx)
- {
- swr_free(&swr_ctx);
- swr_ctx = NULL;
- }
- //析构pcm分包结构
- if(m_fifo)
- {
- av_fifo_free(m_fifo);
- m_fifo = NULL;
- }
- }
- int perform_code(int stream_type,AVFrame * picture)
- {
- AVCodecContext *cctext = NULL;
- AVPacket pkt_t;
- av_init_packet(&pkt_t);
- pkt_t.data = NULL; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder
- pkt_t.size = 0;
- int frameFinished = 0 ;
- if (stream_type == AUDIO_ID)
- {
- cctext = oaudio_st->codec;
- //如果进和出的的声道,样本,采样率不同,需要重采样
- if(icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->codec->sample_fmt != (AVSampleFormat)m_dwBitsPerSample ||
- icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->codec->channels != m_dwChannelCount ||
- icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->codec->sample_rate != m_dwFrequency)
- {
- int64_t pts_t = picture->pts;
- int duration_t = (double)cctext->frame_size * (icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->time_base.den /icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->time_base.num)/
- icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->codec->sample_rate;
- int frame_bytes = cctext->frame_size * av_get_bytes_per_sample(cctext->sample_fmt)* cctext->channels;
- AVFrame * pFrameResample = avcodec_alloc_frame();
- uint8_t * readbuff = new uint8_t[frame_bytes];
- if(av_sample_fmt_is_planar(cctext->sample_fmt))
- {
- frame_bytes /= cctext->channels;
- }
- while (av_fifo_size(m_fifo) >= frame_bytes) //取出写入的未读的包
- {
- pFrameResample->nb_samples = cctext->frame_size;
- av_fifo_generic_read(m_fifo, readbuff, frame_bytes, NULL);
- //这里一定要考虑音频分片的问题
- //如果是分片的avcodec_fill_audio_frame传入的buf是单声道的,但是buf_size 是两个声道加一起的数据量
- //如果不是分片的avcodec_fill_audio_frame传入的buf是双声道的,buf_size 是两个声道加一起的数据量
- if(av_sample_fmt_is_planar(cctext->sample_fmt))
- {
- avcodec_fill_audio_frame(pFrameResample,cctext->channels,cctext->sample_fmt,readbuff,frame_bytes * cctext->channels,1);
- }
- else
- {
- avcodec_fill_audio_frame(pFrameResample,cctext->channels,cctext->sample_fmt,readbuff,frame_bytes,0);
- }
- if(m_is_first_audio_pts == 0)
- {
- m_first_audio_pts = pts_t;
- m_is_first_audio_pts = 1;
- }
- pFrameResample->pts = m_first_audio_pts;
- m_first_audio_pts += duration_t;
- pFrameResample->pts = av_rescale_q_rnd(pFrameResample->pts, icodec->streams[audio_stream_idx]->codec->time_base, oaudio_st->codec->time_base, AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF);
- nRet = avcodec_encode_audio2(cctext,&pkt_t,pFrameResample,&frameFinished);
- if (nRet>=0 && frameFinished)
- {
- write_frame(ocodec,AUDIO_ID,pkt_t);
- av_free_packet(&pkt_t);
- }
- }
- if (readbuff)
- {
- delete []readbuff;
- }
- if (pFrameResample)
- {
- av_free(pFrameResample);
- pFrameResample = NULL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- nRet = avcodec_encode_audio2(cctext,&pkt_t,picture,&frameFinished);
- if (nRet>=0 && frameFinished)
- {
- write_frame(ocodec,AUDIO_ID,pkt_t);
- av_free_packet(&pkt_t);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (stream_type == VIDEO_ID)
- {
- cctext = ovideo_st->codec;
- if(icodec->streams[video_stream_idx]->codec->ticks_per_frame != 1)
- {
- AVRational time_base_video_t;
- time_base_video_t.num = icodec->streams[video_stream_idx]->codec->time_base.num;
- time_base_video_t.den = icodec->streams[video_stream_idx]->codec->time_base.den /icodec->streams[video_stream_idx]->codec->ticks_per_frame;
- picture->pts = av_rescale_q_rnd(picture->pts, time_base_video_t, ovideo_st->codec->time_base, AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF);
- }
- else
- {
- picture->pts = av_rescale_q_rnd(picture->pts, icodec->streams[video_stream_idx]->codec->time_base, ovideo_st->codec->time_base, AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF);
- }
- avcodec_encode_video2(cctext,&pkt_t,picture,&frameFinished);
- picture->pts++;
- if (frameFinished)
- {
- write_frame(ocodec,VIDEO_ID,pkt_t);
- av_free_packet(&pkt_t);
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
1:由于mp3的sample是1152 aac是1024 有时候将解码的mp3编码成aac时如果不做AVFifoBuffer操作,编码的aac音频sample会比原来的少很多,生成的音频会一卡一卡的明显少声音。