QSystemTrayIcon类为系统托盘中的应用程序提供图标。 现代操作系统通常会在桌面上提供一个称为系统托盘(system tray)或通知(notification)区域的特殊区域,其中长时间运行的应用程序可以显示图标和短消息。
- 所有受支持的Windows版本。
- X11的所有窗口管理器和独立托盘实现,实现了XEmbed系统托盘规范。
- 所有实现D-Bus的X11桌面环境规范,包括最新版本的KDE和Unity。
- 所有受支持的macOS版本。
要检查用户桌面上是否存在系统托盘,请调用QSystemTrayIcon :: isSystemTrayAvailable()静态函数。
仅在X11上,当请求工具提示时,QSystemTrayIcon接收QEvent ::ToolTip类型的QHelpEvent。此外,QSystemTrayIcon接收QEvent :: Wheel类型的wheel事件。任何其他平台都不支持这些。
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int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Initializes the resources specified by the .qrc file with the specified base name. Normally, when resources are built as part of the application, the resources are loaded automatically at startup.
// The Q_INIT_RESOURCE() macro is necessary on some platforms for resources stored in a static library. Q_INIT_RESOURCE(systray); QApplication app(argc, argv); // Returns true if the system tray is available; otherwise returns false. if (!QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Systray"), QObject::tr("I couldn't detect any system tray on this system.")); return 1; } QApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); Window window; window.show(); return app.exec(); } Window::Window() { // Tray Icon Group Box(采用HBox布局) createIconGroupBox(); // Ballon Message Group Box(采用Grid布局) createMessageGroupBox(); iconLabel->setMinimumWidth(durationLabel->sizeHint().width()); // Tray right button menu createActions(); // Create Tray Icon createTrayIcon(); // 信号与槽的连接 connect(showMessageButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &Window::showMessage); connect(showIconCheckBox, &QAbstractButton::toggled, trayIcon, &QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible); connect(iconComboBox, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &Window::setIcon); // Tray 信号槽 connect(trayIcon, &QSystemTrayIcon::messageClicked, this, &Window::messageClicked); connect(trayIcon, &QSystemTrayIcon::activated, this, &Window::iconActivated); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(iconGroupBox); mainLayout->addWidget(messageGroupBox); setLayout(mainLayout); iconComboBox->setCurrentIndex(1); trayIcon->show(); setWindowTitle(tr("Systray")); resize(400, 300); } void Window::createTrayIcon() { trayIconMenu = new QMenu(this); trayIconMenu->addAction(minimizeAction); trayIconMenu->addAction(maximizeAction); trayIconMenu->addAction(restoreAction); trayIconMenu->addSeparator(); trayIconMenu->addAction(quitAction); trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); trayIcon->setContextMenu(trayIconMenu); } // 重写closeEvent实现关闭时隐藏到托盘 void Window::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { #ifdef Q_OS_OSX if (!event->spontaneous() || !isVisible()) { return; } #endif if (trayIcon->isVisible()) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Systray"), tr("The program will keep running in the " "system tray. To terminate the program, " "choose Quit in the context menu " "of the system tray entry.")); hide(); event->ignore(); } } // 重写setVisible实现右键菜单的动态变化 void Window::setVisible(bool visible) { minimizeAction->setEnabled(visible); maximizeAction->setEnabled(!isMaximized()); restoreAction->setEnabled(isMaximized() || !visible); QDialog::setVisible(visible); } // 单击或双击托盘图标动态改变图标,点击滚轮显示气泡信息 void Window::iconActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { switch (reason) { case QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger: case QSystemTrayIcon::DoubleClick: iconComboBox->setCurrentIndex((iconComboBox->currentIndex() + 1) % iconComboBox->count()); break; case QSystemTrayIcon::MiddleClick: showMessage(); break; default: break; } } void Window::showMessage() { showIconCheckBox->setChecked(true); QSystemTrayIcon::MessageIcon msgIcon = QSystemTrayIcon::MessageIcon(typeComboBox->itemData(typeComboBox->currentIndex()).toInt()); if (msgIcon == QSystemTrayIcon::NoIcon) { QIcon icon(iconComboBox->itemIcon(iconComboBox->currentIndex())); trayIcon->showMessage(titleEdit->text(), bodyEdit->toPlainText(), icon, durationSpinBox->value() * 1000); } else { trayIcon->showMessage(titleEdit->text(), bodyEdit->toPlainText(), msgIcon, durationSpinBox->value() * 1000); } }