在制作游戏的过程中,我们总要一次次的去测试一个或多个场景。当然整个游戏过程的速度也需要把控,因为为了达到想要的效果就必须不停地从头试玩游戏关卡。为了解决这个问题,我们需要一组灵活的用于作弊的子系统。 游戏中作弊是市面上很多游戏都在用的老方法。作弊系统能帮助开发和测试人员更好的测试游戏,而且最终发布时肯定会移除该系统,因为它能改变游戏的数值。移除已经实现的作弊系统可能会破坏整个产品的稳定性,因为它需要更改一些代码。还有一些称为作弊码的手段,甚至在某些网站上就能激活。
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System; public class Cheats : MonoBehaviour { // Activate corner area size by screen width percentage public float ActivateAreaSize = 0.1f; // How many clicks the player should do before cheats list will be visible public int ClicksCount = 5; // How many seconds player have to click/touch the screen public float WaitTime = 2; private float[] _clickTimes; private int _clickTimesIndex; private bool _active = false; void Start() { // create clicks array and reset it with float.MinValue _clickTimes = new float[ClicksCount]; ResetClicks(); } private void ResetClicks() { for (int i = 0; i < ClicksCount; i++) { _clickTimes = float.MinValue; } } void Update() { // check for click or touch and register it if (CheckClickOrTouch()) { // click will be registered at time since level load _clickTimes[_clickTimesIndex] = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; // each next click will be written on next array index or 0 if overflow _clickTimesIndex = (_clickTimesIndex + 1) % ClicksCount; } // check if cheat list should be activated if (ShouldActivate()) { _active = true; ResetClicks(); } } // checks if cheat list should be activated private bool ShouldActivate() { // check if all click/touches were made within WaitTime foreach(float clickTime in _clickTimes) { if (clickTime < Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - WaitTime) { // return false if any of click/touch times has been done earlier return false; } } // if we are here, cheat should be activated return true; } // returns true if there's click or touch within the activate area private bool CheckClickOrTouch() { // convert activation area to pixels float sizeInPixels = ActivateAreaSize * Screen.width; // get the click/touch position Vector2? position = ClickOrTouchPoint(); if (position.HasValue) // position.HasValue returns true if there is a click or touch { // check if withing the range if (position.Value.x >= Screen.width - sizeInPixels && Screen.height - position.Value.y 0) // one or more touch { // check only the first touch Touch touch = Input.touches[0]; // it should react only when the touch has just began if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { return touch.position; } } // null if there's no click or touch return null; } void OnGUI() { if (_active) { // display cheats list here... } } }
上面的代码相当长,但这只是基本实现。主要功能是: 1、监听所有点击和触摸事件。 2、检测点击或触摸是否在有效的屏幕范围内。 3 、检测最后5次点击是否在指定时间内完成。 它还是可配置的!在OnGUI函数内加入绘制GUI以及激活作弊码的代码:
void OnGUI() { if (_active) { DisplayCheat("Close Cheat Menu", () => _active = false); DisplayCheat("Test Cheat 1", () => Debug.Log("Test cheat Activated!")); DisplayCheat("Inverse Gravity", () => Physics.gravity = -Physics.gravity); } } private void DisplayCheat(string cheatName, Action clickedCallback) { if (GUILayout.Button("Cheat: " + cheatName)) { clickedCallback(); } }