Unity版本:2018.4.17 BestHTTP版本:1.11.0 (下载地址) BestHTTP是Unity商店中比较流行的网络插件,兼容几乎所有的移动和独立平台。除了基础的HTTP功能,还支持WebSocket、SocketIO等常用特性,可以满足一般游戏项目的所有网络需求。
安装 下载Best HTTP v1.11.0.unitypackage后,Unity编辑器中右键"Import Package" -> "Custom Package"导入,然后在需要的代码中引入命名空间,就可以使用了。
using BestHTTP; 1 使用HTTP 进行HTTP请求非常简单,把目标Url作为构造参数创建 HTTPRequest类实例,并调用Send即可,推荐使用下面这种回调写法,简洁而清晰。
string str = "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx?xx"; new HTTPRequest(new Uri(str), (req, response) => { string text = response.DataAsText; // 服务器回复 Debug.Log("response data is " +text); }).Send(); 1 2 3 4 5 使用WebSocket 创建WebSocket对象,并为该对象设置好Socket打开、消息接收、错误处理等各种回调。
public class WebSocketTest { string address = "wss://echo.websocket.org"; WebSocket webSocket;
public void Init() { if (webSocket == null) { webSocket = new WebSocket(new Uri(address));
#if !UNITY_WEBGL webSocket.StartPingThread = true; #endif
// Subscribe to the WS events webSocket.OnOpen += OnOpen; webSocket.OnMessage += OnMessageRecv; webSocket.OnBinary += OnBinaryRecv; webSocket.OnClosed += OnClosed; webSocket.OnError += OnError;
// Start connecting to the server webSocket.Open(); } }
public void Destroy() { if (webSocket != null) { webSocket.Close(); webSocket = null; } }
void OnOpen(WebSocket ws) { Debug.Log("OnOpen: "); webSocket.Send("123"); }
void OnMessageRecv(WebSocket ws, string message) { Debug.LogFormat("OnMessageRecv: msg={0}", message); }
void OnBinaryRecv(WebSocket ws, byte[] data) { Debug.LogFormat("OnBinaryRecv: len={0}", data.Length); }
void OnClosed(WebSocket ws, UInt16 code, string message) { Debug.LogFormat("OnClosed: code={0}, msg={1}", code, message); webSocket = null; }
void OnError(WebSocket ws, Exception ex) { string errorMsg = string.Empty; #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR if (ws.InternalRequest.Response != null) { errorMsg = string.Format("Status Code from Server: {0} and Message: {1}", ws.InternalRequest.Response.StatusCode, ws.InternalRequest.Response.Message); } #endif Debug.LogFormat("OnError: error occured: {0}\n", (ex != null ? ex.Message : "Unknown Error " + errorMsg)); webSocket = null; }
} ———————————————— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「楚游香」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/foupwang/article/details/104725423/