适用于 UWP 的 Actipro Grids 包括 PropertyGrid(类似于 Visual Studio 的“属性”工具窗口,可以在其中指定一个或多个数据对象并编辑它们的属性),TreeListBox 一种非常快速、轻量级的单列树,类似于 Visual Studio 解决方案资源管理器树控件)和 TreeListView(TreeListBox 的多列变体,呈现类似于标准 ListView 但具有许多附加功能)。
用于 UWP 功能的 Actipro 网格
属性编辑器 -属性编辑器指定用于显示属性名称和值的 UI。内置编辑器可用于基本属性类型,但属性网格非常灵活,也允许定义自定义属性编辑器。
Actipro Grids for UWP类别编辑器 -当简单的内联属性编辑器不够用时,可以使用类别编辑器。这些允许在属性网格内使用更复杂的接口来呈现/修改指定的属性组。
分类 -属性可以组合成类别,甚至支持嵌套类别。可以通过使用数据对象属性上的属性来指定分类。
Actipro Grids for UWP排序 -虽然默认情况下使用内置逻辑对类别和属性进行排序,但可以引入任何自定义逻辑来应用自定义排序顺序。
过滤 -可以按任何标准过滤显示的属性。一个常见的过滤使用场景是允许最终用户在 TextBox 中键入属性名称,并且属性网格会更新为仅显示名称包含文本的属性。
Actipro Grids for UWP内联集合- 集合可以扩展并内联显示。此外,一些集合支持通过加号和减号按钮进行内联编辑以添加和删除集合项。
Actipro Grids for UWP数据工厂- 在检查数据对象的属性时,您可以完全控制数据工厂生成的数据模型。可以将其他属性模型注入到数据工厂生成的默认属性模型中。
多个数据对象- 虽然属性网格通常编辑单个数据对象,但也可以同时编辑多个数据对象。在这种模式下,只显示所有数据对象之间的共同属性。
Advanced customizable attribute grid and tree controls.
Actipro grids for uwp includes PropertyGrid (similar to the "properties" tool window of visual studio, in which you can specify one or more data objects and edit their properties), treelistbox, a very fast and lightweight single column tree, Similar to visual studio Solution Explorer (tree control) and treelistview (multi column variant of treelistbox, rendering similar to standard listview but with many additional functions).
Actipro grid for uwp function
Attribute Editor - Attribute Editor specifies the UI used to display attribute names and values. The built-in editor can be used for basic attribute types, but the attribute grid is very flexible and allows you to define a custom attribute editor.
Category editor - when a simple inline Attribute Editor is not enough, you can use the category editor. These allow more complex interfaces to render / modify specified attribute groups within the attribute grid.
Classification - attributes can be grouped into categories or even nested categories. You can specify classifications by using properties on data object properties.
Sort - although categories and attributes are sorted by default using built-in logic, any custom logic can be introduced to apply a custom sort order.
Filter - you can filter the displayed attributes by any criteria. A common filtering usage scenario is to allow end users to type attribute names in the textbox, and the attribute grid will be updated to display only attributes whose names contain text.
Inline collections - collections can be expanded and displayed inline. In addition, some collections support inline editing through the plus and minus buttons to add and delete collection items.
Data factory - when checking the properties of data objects, you have complete control over the data model generated by the data factory. Other attribute models can be injected into the default attribute model generated by the data factory.