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- Quiz6
1.In IT service management, what is NOT the benefit in use of processes? a. measurable b. simplifiable c. auditable d. contract compliant
2.Why we have to study services? a. Service regulates professional activities b. Service is simple c. Service resolves technical problems d. Service equals profits
3.In comparing with Computer Science, Software Engineering is concerning with _ a. building data structures b. establishing computing theory c. delivering useful software d. applying efficient algorithms
4.In comparing with IT Management, IT SERVICE management is focusing on _. a. Centralized behaviors b. Process orientation c. Once a time missions d. Isolated procedures
5.In Service Sciences, Management, and Engineering (SSME), service innovation does NOT include: a. Technology Innovation b. Business Innovation c. Manufacture Innovation d. Demand Innovation
6.What is NOT the criterion for effective Services Management? a. Scalability requirements of the world’s most demanding service infrastructures b. Flexibility and modularity to adapt for business, organizational and technology convergence c. Security to ensure information transformation correctly d. Automation of processes and workflows fundamental to service delivery
7.From the customer perspective, Software as a Service means _. a. Software is commercially available with minor configuration options b. Internet accessed services available (near) real-time access of resources after purchase c. The centralized hosting obviates the need for downloadable patches and upgrades and enables continuous improvements d. The hosting provider assumes responsibility for the solution
8.To increase corporate profits,the service path is _. a. Focusing on team building b. Extending worker’s working hours c. Meeting customer requirement d. Doubling worker’s salary
9.Which one of the following statements may NOT be true? a. Service Engineering is a multi-disciplinary field b. In manufactures model the product design comes after process design c. IT Service Architecture can be viewed from various perspectives. d. Sometimes the services engineering model works but has limitations due to human judgment is required
10.Which one of the following statements may NOT be true? a. Science is a way to create knowledge. b. In interpretive model the improvements come from changes to design or process. c. Engineering is a way to apply knowledge and create new value. d. Management improves the process of creating and capturing value.
12345678910BBCBACBCBB Quiz21.The graphical user interface (GUI) is managed by ( ) a. computer hardware b. computer operating systems c. computer application software d. computer input/output devices
2.The computer application software ( ). a. provides tools for writing computer programs using different programming languages b. provides tools for writing computer programs using different programming languages c. manages the computer hardware and the computer system d. facilitates the input and output devices in a computer system
3.The main functions of Internet may NOT include__. a. Announcement b. Encryption c. News d. Emails
4.In comparing with Hard Disks, the Solid State Disks (SSD) can ( ). a. Offer lower cost per megabyte of storage b. Provide faster access time c. Depend on a read/write interface synchronizing with a data sector d. Increase the number of servers needed
5.Which one is NOT characterized as the type of data storage? a. Volatility of Information b. Stability of media over time c. Security of information d. Ability to change information
6.Data deduplication is an important new technology to control data ( ). The average disk volume contains thousands or even millions of duplicate data objects. As data is created, distributed, backed up, and archived, duplicate data objects are stored unabated across all storage tiers. The end result is inefficient utilization of data storage resources. By eliminating ( ) data objects and referencing just the original object, an immediate benefit is obtained through storage space ( ). a. storage/useless/reduction b. proliferation/redundant/efficiencies c. space/extra/optimization d. flow/more/saving
7.The common computer platforms do NOT include ( ) a. computer’s architecture b. operating system c. programming languages d. relational database
8.What is the Data Storage Virtualization? a. A method of combining the available storage resources in a network by splitting up the available bandwidth into channels, each of which can be assigned (or reassigned) to a particular server or device in real time. b. The masking of server resources (including the number and identity of individual physical servers, processors, and operating systems) from server and storage users. c. A technique for hiding the physical characteristics of computing resources from the way in which other storage systems, applications, or end users interact with those resources. d. The pooling of physical storage from multiple network storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device that is managed from a central console.
9.Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. A local area network (L AN) is a network of computers close together. b. Router computers act as receive-and -forward devices; they do not retain information about the packets that they handle. c. Independent networks should require internal changes to be connected to the network. d. The Web is more a way of thinking about and organizing information storage and retrieval than it is a specific technology.
10.Microservices may NOT have some characteristics,such as a. Services in a microservice architecture (MSA) are often processes that communicate over a network to fulfil a goal using technology-agnostic protocols such as HTTP. b. Services are organized around business capabilities. c. Services cannot be implemented using different programming languages, databases, hardware and software environment, depending on what fits best. d. Services are small in size, messaging-enabled, bounded by contexts, autonomously developed, independently deployable, decentralized and built and released with automated processes.
12345678910BBBBCBDDCC Quiz31.An IT Architect is ( ). a. a result seeker b. a project manager c. a product expert d. a lone scientist
2.Which of the followings may NOT be correct? a. Regulations and governance are means to assuring some acceptable level of quality-of-service b. Information systems allow separation of production and consumption of services c. The world is becoming networked, dependent on information and information technology d. Non Function Requirement is less useful to cloud system design
3.Which one of the following activities is in the lower end of profit chain for IT industry? a. manufacture a complicate device b. build up a team to implement a technical consultation assignment c. broadcast a product news to media d. send emails to customers for an important product announcement
4.To create a component model by applying patterns for e-Business, which one of the following statements could be incorrect ? a. Model represents the application object that implements the application data and business logic. b. Back-end system is responsible for the business processes beyond the commerce processes c. Controller is responsible for formatting the application results and dynamic page construction d. Database stores information about the commerce application
5.Which one of the following statements may NOT be true? a. e-Business Solutions present unique challenges such as adapt to rapidly changing technologies and dramatically smaller product cycles. b. Patterns for e-Business are proven and repeatable architectural constructs that occur across many engagements. c. Patterns for e-business apply in the later stages of the lifecycle, when business processes are being analyzed and architectural level decisions are being made. d. Fitting a pre-cut suit is much cheaper than creating one from scratch.
6.Which one of the following statements may NOT be true? a. Architecting deals almost entirely with measurables using analytic tools derived from mathematics and the hard sciences. b. The IT Architect may be involved during the construction of a solution as an advocate for the client. c. A Pattern is a prescriptive technology specification that describes the development, deployment, and operations environment of a class of computer applications. d. The Operational Model is a representation of a network of computer systems.
7.What may not be the objects of Business Pattern in Patterns for e-business? a. Identify generalized aspects of business process interactions b. Provide a non-technical view for not just the IT organization c. Describe Interactions between the primary Business Actors d. Describe a specific business process
8.In Patterns for e-business, the Composite pattern means ( ). a. When a group of Business and Integration patterns have been combined to address a specific set of business process requirements. b. When the applications need to be accessible via multiple device types, including rich clients, browsers, voice response units, mobile devices, and PDAs. c. When there is a need to describe the consideration on Performance, Capacity, Scalability, and Availability. d. When a particular group of Business and Integration patterns become a frequent occurrence.
9.Which one of the following statements may NOT be true? a. Reuse of architectural knowledge and work products is not an important aspect of design approach. b. This Systems Management discipline is particularly important in the Web environment as the potential impact of poor performance is that much greater. c. Architectural Decisions depend on what is being architected, and in what context. d. Great architects go beyond the role of intermediary to make a visionary combination of technology and purpose that exceeds the expectation of the builder or client.
10.What is not the benefit for Ford to use e-Business Patterns? a. Save money as multiple development environments cost more money b. Rapid mapping from business requirements to application and infrastructure designs c. Standard reusable building blocks selected and aggregated in Patterns grouped by layers d. IBM won hardware standard for all platforms
12345678910ADACCADDAD Quiz41.For the dimensions of big data growth, Veracity means ( ). a. Streaming data, milliseconds to seconds to respond b. Uncertainty from inconsistency ambiguities c. Terabytes to exabytes of existing data to process d. Structured, unstructured, text, multimedia
2.The common types of RFID working model do NOT include ( ). a. idle b. active c. semipassive d. passive
3.Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. Big Data means unstructured Data. b. Big Data is a new basis of competitive advantage for enterprises. c. Data generated from IoT will grow exponentially as the number of connected nodes increases. d. Big Data is similar to small data, but bigger in size.
4.What may NOT be the Big Data growth drivers? a. Both mega-IT-vendors and pure-play Big Data vendors took steps to better articulate their product & services roadmaps and larger visions for Big Data in the enterprise, creating greater confidence from enterprise buyers. b. Continued “Big Data Washing” by legacy IT vendors leading to confusion among enterprise buyers and practitioners, as well as “political” factors that make it difficult for enterprise buyers to engage new vendors. c. Big Data technologies took important steps towards greater enterprise-grade capabilities, critical for mass enterprise adoption. These steps included better privacy, security and governance capabilities, as well as improved backup & recovery and high-availability for Hadoop specifically. d. Partnerships played an important role in maturing the Big Data landscape. Of particular importance are a number of reseller agreements and technical partnerships between Big Data vendors and non-Big Data vendors, the results of which that make it easier for practitioners to adopt and integrate Big Data technologies.
5.Which one of the following statements may NOT be correct? a. Big data is just a technology—it is not a business strategy for capitalizing on information resources b. Organizations are using big data to target customer-centric outcomes, tap into internal data and build a better information ecosystem c. Fast forward to the present and technologies like Hadoop give you the scale and flexibility to store data before you know how you are going to process it d. Technologies such as MapReduce, Hive and Impala enable you to run queries without changing the data structures underneath
6.Which may NOT be the direct impact on IT industry by Big Data? a. Data storage has grown significantly, shifting market from analog to digital b. Computation Capability is demanding to process huge amount of data with various formats c. New business insights are generated from combining and analyzing data types in new ways d. The foundation is built for future requirements by expanding into big data platform
7.What could be the main benefit of using Big Data on Security/Intelligence Extension? a. Increase customer loyalty and satisfaction by understanding what meaningful actions are needed a. Increase customer loyalty and satisfaction by understanding what meaningful actions are needed b. Track persons of interest (drug/sex traffickers, terrorists, illegal refugees/immigrants) and civil/border activity c. Find, Visualize & Understand all big data to improve business knowledge d. Log analytics, energy bill forecasting, energy consumption optimization, anomalous energy usage detection, presence-aware energy management
8.What is NOT the feature of Hadoop? a. Hadoop is an open source software project. b. Hadoop is relying on high-end hardware. c. Hadoop is designed to scale up from a single server to thousands of machines, with very high degree of fault tolerance. d. Hadoop enables distributed processing of large data sets across clusters.
9.Which one of the following statements may NOT be corret? a. Hadoop is designed to work best with a modest number of extremely large files. b. Every data block stored in HDFS has its own metadata and needs to be tracked by a central server. c. Because of data locality principle, using a storage area network in a Hadoop environment is recommended. d. All hadoop commands are invoked by the bin/hadoop script.
10.Which one of the following statements may NOT be correct? a. Spark is an implementation of Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) in Scala b. In spark, MapReduce data flow can be expressed using RDD transformations c. Spark Streaming extends the core API to allow high-throughput, fault-tolerant stream processing of live data streams d. Spark cannot persist or cache a dataset in memory across operations
12345678910BAABACBBCD Quiz51.What’s the significant problem with traditional business networks? a. Every participant has a separate copy of the ledger and updates it for their transactions b. There are several contracts involved c. The participants in a network can never be known d. No one person can oversee the entire network
2.In the Bitcoin network, everyone knows who is participating. a. Possible b. True c. False d. Nonsense
3.What is the core requirement for a business blockchain? a. Technical services, business services and solution b. Shared ledger, smart contract, privacy and trust c. A new cryptocurrency d. Optimized cryptographic mining
4.How can a blockchain business network help the diamond wholesale and retail industry? a. Can use cognitive tools to analyze customer preferences b. Can prevent the injection of illicit diamonds in the supply chain c. Can cut diamonds for studying more thoroughly d. Can trace diamond history
5.Which of the following statements is false? a. Blockchain provides a smart contract feature that can be used to model assets of any description b. Blockchain adds a cognitive analytics capability to the asset supply chain c. Blockchain captures a record of every committed transaction in chronological order d. Blockchain can help provide provenance for an asset
6.What is the appropriate use of business blockchain? a. A more efficient transaction processing system across a business network b. To make low value, high volume micro payment systems more efficient c. Modern, cognitive and transformational fabric for the 21st century and beyond d. None of these
7.Which one is NOT a key concept of Blockchain? a. Distributed shared ledger b. Smart contracts c. Error sensitiveness d. Cryptography
8.The components of a VR (Virtual Reality) System do not include ( ). a. Simulation Processor b. Accelerating Processor c. Rendering Processor d. World Database
9.Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that layers computer-generated enhancements atop an existing reality in order to make it more meaningful through the ability to interact with it. a. True b. Possible c. False d. Nonsense
10.Comparing real and virtual world, light entering the eyes is the result of natural reflection from all angles. a. True b. Possible c. False d. Nonsense
12345678910ACBDBACBAC Quiz61.Which of the following statements may NOT be right? a. Machine learning refers to a system capable of the autonomous acquisition and integration of knowledge b. Learning is constructing or modifying representations of what is being experienced c. Machine learning is primarily concerned with the accuracy and effectiveness of the computer system. d. In Deep Learning approach, each neuron implements a relatively complicated mathematical function.
2.Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. Neural Network needs long time for training. b. Neural Network has a high tolerance to noisy and incomplete data c. Neural Network cannot work with data in the range of (0,1) or (-1,1) d. Neural Network is biologically motivated approach to machine learning
3.Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. In Neural Network Learning, the algorithms iteratively adjust weights to reduce error (difference between network output and target output) b. In Neural Networks, the destructive algorithms take a maximal network and prunes unnecessary layers nodes and connections during training. c. In Neural Networks, the results get better with more data + bigger models + more computation d. In Neural Networks, a neuron performs a generally linear operation on the result
4.IBM Watson is a massively parallel probabilistic evidence-based architecture, using a high-end system of ( ). a. Intel x86 platform b. IBM Power7 platform c. DEC Alpha cluster running under OpenVMS d. IBM Mainframe platform
5.In cognitive system, the decision making as learning from an expert, excludes a. Asks natural language question, understands the question b. Finds documents containing keywords, delivers the documents based on popularity c. Produces possible answers based on evidence d. Analyzes evidence, computes confidence, delivers response, evidence and confidence
6.Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. Cognitive computing involves self-learning systems that use data mining, pattern recognition and natural language processing to mimic the way the human brain works b. A confidence score is the quantitative value produced by a cognitive system representing the merit of a decision after evaluating multiple options c. Predictive analytics is a business process and a set of related technologies that are not concerned with the prediction of future possibilities and trends d. Cognitive systems play the role of an assistant – albeit one who is tireless, can consume vast amounts of structured and unstructured information, can reconcile ambiguous and even self-contradictory data, and can learn
7.Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. Watson can consume insights from Big Data for advanced analysis b. Natural Language is explicit, little contextual, and often precise c. Watson uses the Apache Hadoop open framework to distribute the workload for loading information into memory d. Watson’s APIs are the cognitive building blocks that harness data
8.What may NOT be the capability of cognitive computing systems? a. Provide expert assistance by developing deep domain insights and bringing this information to people in a timely, natural and usable way b. Provide decision-making functionality that is evidence-based and continually evolve based on new information, outcomes and actions c. Provide professional judgement and services as the replacement of human experts such as medical doctors in hospitals d. Provide insights that perhaps could not be discovered by even the most brilliant human beings, through vast amounts of information available around the world
9.In comparing with programmable systems, the cognitive system is NOT ( ). a. Data-Centric b. Statistical Analysis c. Scale up / out d. Automated Systems / workload management
10.What is the third era of computing in IBM’s vision? a. single-purpose calculation b. cloud computing c. cognitive computing d. programmable systems