Apache Awstats 安装配置系列 (1)之Apache 安装
1.下载安装 apache 2.2.31 http://www.apachehaus.com/cgi-bin/download.plx?dli=O5GbwpVaNFzTE50KhdFezBlVOpkVFVFdhZ1Z3R2Z 2、解压缩放在D:\Apache22 3、进入到apache下面的bin目录,输入
httpd -k install 把apache安装成windows后台服务。
4、出错 (OS 5)拒绝访问。 : Failed to open the WinNT service manager
6、安装apache 2.2 成功 D:\Apache22\bin>httpd -k install Installing the Apache2.2 service The Apache2.2 service is successfully installed. Testing httpd.conf.... Errors reported here must be corrected before the service can be started.
7.进入 D:\Apache22\bin>services.msc 启动 apache 2.2 服务
8.校验netstat -n,80端口已经开启 D:\Apache22\bin>netstat -n
协议 本地地址 外部地址 状态 TCP TIME_WAIT
9.打开http:// 显示
That's right! If you are seeing this it means that the web server installed at this site is working properly,
but has not yet been configured.
显示 Server Details
Apache Version: 2.2.31 Win32 Build Date: Jul 15, 2015 OpenSSL Version: 1.0.1p APR Version: 1.5.2 APR-Util Version: 1.5.4 PCRE Version: 8.37 ZLib Version: 1.2.8 LibXML2 Version: LUA Version:
10、启动D:\Apache22\bin目录下面的ApacheMonitor.exe 也可进行Apache 启动 停止 操作
11、至此 apache 2.2 安装完成